Essays & Poetry (mine or others) pertaining to historical and current events and burning social issues.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Hooray! It's National Pencil Day!

 Image result for free images of pencils


I heard on the news this morning that it is "National Pencil Day!"
I am a huge pencil fan. I like that:
a. you can erase your mistakes
b. pencils never run out of ink
c. If a pencil lead breaks it can be sharpened, even with a pocket knife.

The news person also shared that John Steinbeck wrote in pencil
and used 60 per day.My guess is that he swapped them out and
sharpened them by the batch before he set to writing.

Years ago I wrote my first novel in pencil on yellow tablets.
A few years later the pages were smudged and some almost
unreadable. That's the only downside I can think of.

As much as I adore pencils and keep several at the ready,
I have discovered erasable ink pens, which are so cool!
However, erasable ink pens eventually run out of ink and
that is why I always have a pencil nearby.

In case you're wondering, pencils ain't going away
any time soon. They are needed by engineers, architects,draftsmen,
fine artists and poets ( I wrote the first draft of this in pencil on
a yellow tablet.) and especially youngsters learning to write.
I have such fond memories of my first big fat pencil!


Peace out,

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Music, Ants & Rain

Image result for free music images

Image result for free image of little black ants on kitchen counters

The ants come marching one by one
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants come marching one by one
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants come marching one by one
Image result for free images of rain against window paneA little one stops to have some fun
And they all go marching down
To the earth, to get out of the rain
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
And on it goes by two, three, four
through ten as I recall.
I remember this childhood song as
the little black ants cluster on my
counter, creeping me out.
I reach for the ant (& roach) killing
Spray, which is EcoSMART and safe
around children and pets. Since I
have cats, it is very necessary.
What’s even better is it’s pleasant
Minty odor.

My father probably knew hundreds
of songs that Weird Al Yankovic
would revel in
And at least a few dozen children’s
songs such as the ant song. Pop was
a dairy farmer, so there was always
work to be done, which he often
accompanied with song and for
that reason I spent a lot of my
youth as his sidekick
I sing to this day: in my car, while I
clean house and even when I am out
on walks.
Pop’s instrument was his voice; a
Lusty baritone. I suppose that is why
I am still attracted to deep voices.

All four of his children learned to play
instruments; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin
 and even the concertina… There was always
Music at holiday family dinners. Later this
extended to cousins, too. Some of us still
get together and sing and play at family
It’s spring! There will be rain! No reason for
The Blues (unless you’re singing them) when
you can, sing in the rain…Let me hear it now:
Can’t you just imagine Gene Kelly bursting forth
With “Singin’ in the Rain?” (The footwork ain’t
too shabby, either.)  

Happy Spring! Enjoy the music, ants and rain
among all of  its other gifts.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mama’s Red Cabbage

Fresh red cabbage stack

Red cabbages stacked carefully above the green,
Fairly priced, call out to me: Buy me, cook me up by
the Bohemian recipe…and eat me!

I realize at once from whence that
Siren’s song comes…my own mother’s spirit
I am not unaccustomed to my mama’s (and also my
Papa’s) spirits impelling me to eat their favorite foods
I, being their carnal connection of remembered pleasures
from their lives when they were here among the living

I’ve heard it said that angels don’t eat
Perhaps they don’t miss what they never had
but dearly departed spirits still have
fond soul memories and mama’s voice
convinces me that her red Bohemian cabbage
would really hit the spot at supper tonight

And that is how that red cabbage propelled itself
into my grocery cart and I feel her presence
and it comforts me…


Whoops! Almost forgot, here is a recipe that comes close:
Image result for red cabbage stacked
Bohemian Red Cabbage

1 medium red cabbage (shredded or chopped)
1 tsp salt
1 cup water
1 small onion (chopped, fine)
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar 
1 tsp. caraway seed (optional)

Bring water to a boil, turn down and steam cabbage and onion, 10-15 minutes.
Combine sugar, vinegar & salt * and toss with cabbage, coating well.
Cover and let steep about 5 minutes. Serve with chicken or pork loin.
* Add caraway seeds for the Bohemian touch!